Health Policy

Health Policy

Health policy can be defined as the "decisions, plans, and actions that are undertaken to achieve specific health care goals within a society.  According to the World Health Organization, an explicit health policy can achieve several things: it defines a vision for the future; it outlines priorities and the expected roles of different groups; and it builds consensus and informs people.
There are many categories of health policies, including personal health care policy, pharmaceutical policy, and policies related to public health such as vaccination policy or tobacco control policy. They may cover topics of financing and delivery of health care, access to care, quality of care, and health equity.[2]
There are also many topics in the politics and evidence that can influence the decision of a government, private sector business or other group to adopt a specific policy. Evidence-based policy relies on the use of science and rigorous studies such as randomized controlled trials to identify programs and practices capable of improving policy relevant outcomes. Most political debates surround personal health care policies, especially those that seek to reform health care delivery, and can typically be categorized as either philosophical or economic. Philosophical debates center around questions about individual rights and government authority, while economic topics include how to maximize the efficiency of health care delivery and minimize costs.